Technology of Warfare


Leaving Cert History (Dictatorship and Democracy 1920 - 1945) Mind Map on Technology of Warfare, created by jamiec0777 on 07/09/2013.
Mind Map by jamiec0777, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jamiec0777 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Technology of Warfare
  1. Blitzkrieg
    1. Stuka Bombers
      1. Panzer Tanks
        1. Wehrmacht infantry
    2. Tanks
      1. German
        1. Panzer
          1. Tiger 2
          2. Russian
            1. T34
            2. Allied
              1. Sherman
            3. Air
              1. Luftwaffe
                1. ME109, Fockewulf 190
                  1. Junker - 87s, Stuka bombers
                  2. RAF
                    1. Supermarine Spitfires and Hurricanes
                      1. British Lancasters, American B-17 and B-29
                        1. P51 Mustang
                    2. Sea
                      1. U-Boats
                        1. Sonar
                        2. Rocket
                          1. V1 Doodlebug
                            1. V2 ballistic missile
                              1. Atomic Bomb
                                1. Developed by U.S
                                  1. Launched at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
                                    1. Death and Destruction
                                      1. Radiation sickness
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