Pemphigus pathophysiology


Mind Map on Pemphigus pathophysiology, created by pravens on 09/09/2013.
Mind Map by pravens, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pravens about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Pemphigus pathophysiology
  1. Autoantibodies inhibit adhesive fn of Dsg and lead to loss of cell-cell adhesion of keratinocytes causing blisters
    1. IgG autoantobodies against Dsg1 and Dsg3 are pathogenic and have 1ry role in blister formation
      1. serum anti-Dsg1 and 3 autoantibodies measured by IIF or ELISA correlate with dz severity
        1. IgG from PV sera w extracell domain of Dsg3 causes suprabasilar acantholysis when injected into neonatal mice
          1. After immunoabsorption of anti-Dsg3, serum no longer produces blisters
          2. Immunoabsorption of PF sera with extra cell domains of Dsg1 eliminates pathogenic activity.
            1. IgG from patient's sera can cause superfine blisters in neonatal mice
            2. Monoclonal Abys against Dsg from a mouse model of pemphigus and from human patients induce blisters histology similar to those in patients with naturally occurring dz
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