As increasing numbers of migrants from North America and other
parts of the world continued to move westward, frontier cultures
that had emerged in the colonial period continued to grow, fueling
social, political, and ethnic tensions.
Kentucky and Tennessee had been filling
up with squatters
They had attempted to form the state of Franklin, but Congress rejected it to maintain control of the
squatters were often Scots-Irish and other poor immigrants, while the speculators
tended to be English descendants
speculators bought up huge tracts, which put them
into conflict with the squatters (in Ohio as well)
Pennsylvania, New York, and Connecticut were fighting
over conflicting land claims out west until they ceded all
land claims to the national government
The role of Western Land Claims in the history of the United
States of America. ... These so-called "landed" states had a
great potential advantage over the six ... rich lands directly
across the mountains until the new federal government was
in placeThe role of Western Land Claims in the history of the
United States of America. ... These so-called "landed" states
had a great potential advantage over the six ... rich lands
directly across the mountains until the new federal
government was in place
Shays’ Rebellion and Whiskey Rebellion are both frontier
rebellions, defying political controls back east (many
frontiersmen were Scots-Irish, who resented authority of
almost any kind, but they were particularly hostile to
“revenue hounds”)
Yazoo land fraud (Georgia sold huge tracts of land it may not have owned, sometimes
multiple times; resolved by Fletcher v. Peck)
Pine-Barrens scandal sold three times the amount of land that was
available [past 1800, but this one may be aimed at the Louisiana
Purchase, then the Wilkinson/Burr secessionist plot]
The expansion of slavery in the deep South and adjacent
western lands and rising antislavery sentiment began to
create distinctive regional attitudes toward the
The Articles granted the southern states
control over the Old Southwest – they
spread slavery rapidly into Alabama and
The U.S. Congress, in April 1798, created
the Mississippi Territory out of lands
The population grew so rapidly in the
Alabama Territory (from 1,250
residents in
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
banished slavery from the Great Lakes
An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory
of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio,
Considered one of the most important
legislative acts of the Confederation
Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also
protected civil liberties and outlawed
slavery in the new territories.
The north had begun abolishing slavery after
independence, and never had a substantial need for
slavery in the first place
A timeline of significant events
concerning slavery, the abolitionist
movement and the ... establish the
Free African Society in Philadelphia,
the first independent black
Grimke, Quaker abolitionists from a
prominent South Carolina family, begin
the cotton gin would accelerate the profitability of
While it was true that the cotton gin
reduced the labor of removing seeds,
it did not reduce the need for slaves
to grow and pick the cotton
the North became an area of immigrants,
who provided the cheap labor supply as the
North industrialized
The Rise of Industrial America (1876-1900)
timeline covers westward expansion,
immigration, urbanization, industrialization,
labor and railroad with primary sources
Significantly, bringing even remote parts of the country into a national market
economy. ... American society became more diverse than ever before.
the Missouri Compromise revealed how far apart they
The Missouri Compromise, passed in 1820, admitted
Missouri to the Union as a ... balance that currently
existed between slave and free states in the Union.
Various American Indian groups repeatedly
evaluated and adjusted their alliances with
Europeans, other tribes, and the U.S., seeking to limit
migration of white settlers and maintain control of
tribal lands and natural resources. British alliances
with American Indians contributed to tensions
between the U.S. and Britain.
British alliance for Native Americans turned
disastrous due to the Revolutionary War (and
again as a result of War of 1812)
Native American groups rejected those claims, but Americans
forced Iroquois to hand over large sections of New York and
Pennsylvania over to them; alcohol and bribes drove the Iroquois
into smaller and smaller areas
Same thing happened in Ohio, but Native Americans
refused to accept the outcomes; Little Turtle and the
Western Confederacy defeated not one, but two,
American armies
British had been arming Native Americans;
Jay’s Treaty got them to agree to sto
Native American groups often responded with
hostility towards those who had assimilated, and
forced them out
Handsome Lake, on the other hand, blended
animism with Christian elements (heaven,
hell, personal morality) – but Red Jacket
rejected him, splitting the Senecas in half