Blurred Vision


Mind Map on Blurred Vision, created by du ga on 10/11/2019.
du ga
Mind Map by du ga, updated more than 1 year ago
du ga
Created by du ga about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Blurred Vision
  1. Visual pathway
    1. Retina
      1. Optic nerve
        1. Optic chiasma
          1. Optic tract
            1. Lateral geniculate body
              1. Optic radiation
                1. Primary visual cortex (area 17)
    2. Blurry Vision DDx
      1. Myopia
        1. Hyperopia
          1. Astigmatisim
            1. pregnancy
              1. Dry eyes
                1. Allergy
                  1. Floaters
      2. Glaucoma
        1. neuro-retinal rim thinning
          1. enlarging of the cup
            1. INC IOP
              1. SYMPTOMS
                1. headache
                  1. distorted vision
                    1. Eye redness
                      1. severe eye pain
                        1. vomiting
                          1. halos around lights
          2. Signs
            1. DEC visual acuity
              1. acute red eye
                1. hazy cornea
                  1. high IOP
                    1. celluler reaction in ant chamber
                      1. vertically oval & mid dilated pupil
            2. Types
              1. Open angle
                1. Closed angle
                  1. Normal-Tension Glaucoma
                    1. Congenital Glaucoma
                      1. Secondary Glaucoma
                        1. Traumatic Glaucoma
              2. Pathophysiology
                1. Treatment
                    1. β-adrenergic blockers
                      1. α2 agonists
                        1. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
                          1. INC AQUEOUS HUMOR OUTFLOW
                            1. Prostaglandins
                              1. Parasympathomimetics
                    2. Investigations
                      1. Tonometry
                        1. Ophthalmoscopy
                          1. Perimetry
                            1. Gonioscopy
                              1. Pachymetry
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