Search engine


helps you find particular things you want to find
Ileesha Desilva
Mind Map by Ileesha Desilva, updated more than 1 year ago
Ileesha Desilva
Created by Ileesha Desilva about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Search engine
  1. Spider visits all websites
    1. The spider is ready in advance
    2. Displays all the websites
      1. It puts the best website at the top
      2. keywording
        1. Is another way
          1. It is a way of file
            1. And putting it into a shortcut
          2. Advanced searches
            1. Date last update
              1. It will help you with the things you already updated
              2. file type
                1. Your source type
                2. Language
                  1. you should use unusual word
                    1. If you use more common words it is better to use uncommon words
                  2. Geographical region
                    1. Usually the beginning of your sources
                    2. image size colour and size
                      1. Your search will in all sorts for what your atually look for
                    3. It list the best options and the bad options
                      1. It list the best at the top and worst at the bottom
                        1. The best option is at the top of the page
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