File Management


Basically what the title is. lol
#DiyaJeev a
Mind Map by #DiyaJeev a, updated more than 1 year ago
#DiyaJeev a
Created by #DiyaJeev a about 5 years ago

Resource summary

File Management
  1. How to manage your files
    1. 1) Decide which file you are going to store
      1. 2) Create a folder for your file with a general name that can also be used for other files
        1. eg. If your file's name was William the conqueror, then your folder's name could be 'history'.
          1. You could then add another file called 'Magna Carta'
            1. If it is an important file then you can add it into one drive
    2. File management is when you organise your files in a certain way so that they are easily accesible
      1. It organises all of your files and can also keep them safe if you store them in your OneDrive
        1. It can help incredibly with storage, mainly
          1. Managing your files can make them easily accesible.
            1. A tip to keep all your files safe is to not tell anyone you dont trust, exactly how and where you have stored your file
              1. SHORT-CUT METHODS
                1. COPY- ctrl c
                  1. PASTE- ctrl v
                    1. CUT- ctrl x
                      1. SAVE- ctrl s
                        1. UNDO- ctrl z
                          1. UNDERLINE- ctrl u
                            1. BOLD- ctrl b
                              1. ITALICS- ctrl i
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