Private Sectors & NGOs' strategies to Fight Corruption


Mind Map on Private Sectors & NGOs' strategies to Fight Corruption, created by Gayanjalie Pabod on 11/09/2013.
Gayanjalie Pabod
Mind Map by Gayanjalie Pabod, updated more than 1 year ago
Gayanjalie Pabod
Created by Gayanjalie Pabod almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Private Sectors & NGOs' strategies to Fight Corruption
  1. Within the organisation
    1. Use of Information & Support System
      1. Warning Systems
        1. Whistleblower
          1. Hot-line
          2. Code of conduct
            1. Training & Dissemination
              1. Recruitment based on merit
                1. Investigation and Sanction
                2. External Co-operation
                  1. NGOs work with media groups, bloggers to increase public debate on disclosing corruption cases
                    1. Educating people about corruption and their right to information
                      1. Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) – World Economic Forum
                        1. Commitment by political and business leaders to combat corruption
                        2. Disclose financial statements
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