Nisbett and Wilson (1977)- study overview


the stocking study- shows how unreliable introspection is, and why it probably isnt the only way we discover the self
Cristelle Spaulding
Mind Map by Cristelle Spaulding, updated more than 1 year ago
Cristelle Spaulding
Created by Cristelle Spaulding almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Nisbett and Wilson (1977)- study overview
  1. Procedure
    1. Hypothesis: they thought introspection was innacurate and we arent good at it
      1. In mall, hung up 4 identical pairs of stockings, asked ppts to choose their favourite
        1. Then asked them to explain why they chose that pair
        2. Findings
          1. They made up fake reasons for why they preferred them even though they were identical
          2. Conclusion
            1. If you ask someone to introspect about their thoughts, feelings and actions, they will often deliver false truths
              1. Perhaps introspection is not the way we discover our self, as it would be very innacurate
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