Inputs and Outputs


Monitor, iPad computer Wi-Fi
Ileesha Desilva
Mind Map by Ileesha Desilva, updated more than 1 year ago
Ileesha Desilva
Created by Ileesha Desilva about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Inputs and Outputs
  1. Any types of devices
    1. phone
      1. Ipad
        1. Monitor
        2. storage device
          1. memory stick
            1. computer
          2. software
            1. word
              1. powerpoint
                1. Excel
                  1. You cannot touch software . software refers to the programs that run on a computer ,rather like the music playing on a CD
                  2. There are input and output
                    1. INPUT
                      1. Anything to put something to a device
                      2. OUTPUT
                        1. Something that comes out of a device
                          1. Printer
                        2. Hardware
                          1. Objects that you can touch like a
                          2. Motion sensors
                            1. this sensor is a input device and detect the movement of a person or object in front
                            2. Light sensor
                              1. When it is dark the sensor can sense when the room is too dark and can automatically turn the light on.
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