Some variables in Sociolinguistics:Style, Register and Gender. Speechaccomodation.


Unit 2
Paula Esteban Domingues
Mind Map by Paula Esteban Domingues, updated more than 1 year ago
Paula Esteban Domingues
Created by Paula Esteban Domingues over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Some variables in Sociolinguistics:Style, Register and Gender. Speechaccomodation.
  1. Style
    1. Level of formality
      1. Formal
        1. Informal
      2. Register
        1. Choice of lexical items or syntatic ordering of utterances
          1. Jargon asociated with word choice or morphonological variation
            1. Sociolect: bears upon lexical choice and syntactic ordering
            2. Thre main dimensions
              1. Field The social activity performed
                1. Tenor: social roles enacted and the relationship between the participants
                  1. Mode: the medium of the language in that situation
                2. Gender
                  1. Patterns of variation between men and women are much more evident in some partes of the globe
                    1. Trudgill (1972) Women tended to be more conservative in terms of language
                      1. Due to powerless position in life
                      2. Men tend to dominate the interaction
                        1. Women tend to be more concerned with solidarity
                        2. Recent studies have shown neurophysiological differences in the way males and females process language
                        3. Speech Accomodation
                          1. modification of one´s own speech or other communicative behaviours to the ones used by the person one is interacting with.
                            1. Increase speaker´s perceived
                              1. Attractiveness
                                1. predictability and supportiveness
                                  1. level of interpersonal involvement
                                    1. Intelligibility and comprehensibility
                                      1. The speaker's ability to gain their listeners
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