Internet - by keeva


Year 9 Computing Mind Map on Internet - by keeva, created by Keeva McGuire on 10/01/2020.
Keeva McGuire
Mind Map by Keeva McGuire, updated more than 1 year ago
Keeva McGuire
Created by Keeva McGuire about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Internet - by keeva
  1. what is the internet?
    1. A group of inter-connected networks
      1. A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities
        1. Consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols
        2. What is the world wide web?
          1. A collection of web pages
            1. Stored on computers all over the world
              1. Accessed via the internet
                1. No central storage
                  1. No owner
                  2. URL
                    1. Uniform resource locator
                      1. A URL is a web address
                        1. All web addresses are unique
                        2. Parts of a web address
                            1. www
                              1. Hosted on the WWW
                              2. abc
                                1. Website address
                                2. co
                                  1. Company
                                  2. .uk
                                    1. Country
                                    2. /images
                                      1. Folder
                                      2. /logo.jpg
                                        1. File
                                    3. Connectivity
                                      1. Deep sea cables
                                          1. Travels to many countries
                                            1. Reliable way to stay connected around the world
                                            2. Bandwidth
                                              1. The amount of data that can be carried at a time
                                                2. Connection speed
                                                  1. The speed that data is transferred between your device and the internet
                                                    1. It can also sometimes be known as bandwidth
                                                      1. Download speed or receiving speed means the rate that information travels from the internet to your device
                                                      2. Broad band
                                                        1. A high-capacity transmission technique using a wide range of frequencies, which enables a large number of messages to be communicated simultaneously.
                                                        2. Medium (used for network connection)
                                                          1. Wireless connection
                                                            1. Advantages
                                                              1. Disadvantages
                                                              2. Buffer
                                                                1. A region of a physical memory storage
                                                                  1. Used to temporarily store data while it is being moved from one place to another
                                                                    1. May be used when moving data between processes within a computer
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