Math 5th Trimester 3


Mind Map on Math 5th Trimester 3, created by Adam Christopher Flood on 22/01/2020.
Adam Christopher Flood
Mind Map by Adam Christopher Flood, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Christopher Flood
Created by Adam Christopher Flood almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Math 5th Trimester 3
  1. Unit 11 Area of Triangles and Parallelograms
    1. .G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals
      1. Week March 16-20
        1. Lesson 1- finding the height of different bases
          1. Lesson 2. Finding the area of Triangle
            1. Interactive triangle worksheet
          2. Week March 24-27
            1. Lesson 4- Finding the area of Triangle in other shapes
              1. Area Assignment - CoursebookB 104,105
              2. Lesson 5- Area of Parallelograms and Rhombuses
                1. -Part 1- cutting a rectangle to make a parallelogram activity
                  1. -Part 2-Area of Parallelogram assignment coursebook 110 to 111
                2. Week March 30 - April 2
                  1. Part 1- Review for test
                    1. Part 2- Unit Test
                3. Unit 12- Tessellation
                  1. 8.G.A.1 Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations
                    1. April 3
                      1. Lesson 1- What are tessellations
                        1. Students learn what are tessellations and find examples on the internet
                      2. Week April 13-17
                        1. Lesson 2- Making and moving a Tessellation
                          1. Coure book pg118 Coursebook pg 122
                          2. Lesson 3- Project- Tessellation quilt 3 days
                          3. Week April 20
                            1. Tessellation quilt Final
                        2. Unit 13- Solids
                          1. 6.G.A.4 Represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and use the nets to find the surface area of these figures.
                            1. Week April 20-24
                              1. Lesson 1- what are solids
                                1. Lesson 2- Recognizing solids and their nets
                                  1. Recognizing solids activity-
                                2. Week April 27-30
                                  1. Lesson 3- Surface area
                                    1. Students learn how to find surface area
                                    2. lesson 4- surface area continued
                                      1. Surface area activity.- worksheet
                                3. Unit 14- Volume
                                  1. 5.MD.C.3 Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.
                                    1. Week April 30
                                      1. Lesson 1- What is volume
                                        1. Students learn about what is volume and why we use cubic units
                                      2. Week May 4 -8
                                        1. Lesson 2- Cubic units
                                          1. Lesson 3-Discovering volume formula cubes and rectangular prisms
                                            1. Discovering Volume activity
                                            2. Lesson 4- Finding voume
                                              1. Practicing Finding volume of rectangular prisms and cubes
                                            3. Week May 11-15
                                              1. Lesson 5- Finding height given Volume
                                                1. Students learn how to find different attributes given the volume
                                                2. Lesson 6- Solving word problems
                                                  1. Students solve word problems using volume coursebook page 163164
                                                3. Week May 18-22
                                                  1. GEO CITY PROJECT
                                              2. Unit 15- Algebra
                                                1. 6.EE.A.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
                                                  1. Week May 26-29
                                                    1. Lesson 1- Algebraic Expressions
                                                      1. Solve already written expressions given the variable
                                                      2. Lesson 2- Using an algebraic expression
                                                        1. Write and solve expressions with addition and subtraction
                                                        2. Lesson 3- algebraic expressions with multiplication and division
                                                          1. Write and solve expressions with multiplication and division
                                                        3. Week June 1-5
                                                          1. Lesson 4- Multi-step equation
                                                            1. Solving Expressions. Course book 179 number 1
                                                            2. Lesson 5- Simplify expressions
                                                              1. Combine like terms- Coursebook 179 number 2
                                                              2. Lesson 6- Review
                                                              3. June 8
                                                                1. Algebra quiz
                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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