Mr Birling believes
that "a man must look
after himself and his
own and-" and that it is
proposterous to take
responsibility for
anyone else except
himself and his family.
The Inspector believes that we must all
be more socially responsible for
Sheila and Eric
take responsibility
for their actions,
whilst the older
generation remain
stubborn and
overly ignorant to
any wrongs they
have committed.
The hiatus at the end provides a window for the
audience to start taking responsibility for their
actions as well as the Birling's. The disequilibrium
suggests that a change is required by the
audience to reform to a more socialist view,
otherwise a cruel cycle could begin if they didnt
take responsibility for others, as the older Birling's
refused to do.
Social Class
Mr Birling believes
that the working
class are worthless
and are nothing
more than
nameless workers.
Priestley is socialist and makes the Inspector
present a socialist view, he shows the Birling's that
a higher social rank doesnt make you more moral.
Mrs Birling is of a higher social class than
the rest of her family, this make her
believe she is better than the rest of
Gerald is of a higher social class
than the rest of the Birling's,
therefore he is given more respect
by Mr Birling than to his own family.
Mr Birling's capitalist
views are discredited by
Priestley through the use
of dramatic irony, which
exaggerates Birling's
ignorant hubris about
war anf the titanic;
Priestley makes it clear that capitalism is
immoral, challenging the audience to change
their political views, as they would have been
mostly middle class and capitalist people.
Mrs Birling emphasises the
importance of being moral
and good, but she is
actually one of the least
moral Birling's as she can
accept no responsibility for
her actions and constantly
scapegoats others to
maintain a warped moral
high ground.
The only truly moral
person throughout the
play is the victim Eva
Smith, she constantly
acts with moral
integrity and Priestley
has done this to
highlight that socialism
is moral and capitalism
is not.
The Inspector is amoral to
challenge the Birling's
Gender Roles
Sheila changes to a morally responsible
and aware citizen and takes on the
Inspector's role as the purveyor of social
reform. This change not only challenges
political ideas but also gender, as she
changes from a frivolous and materialistic
girl to a self-aware and responsible
woman, suggesting that woman are equal
to men as she is the most moral Birling.