

Esquema pág 60 - 61 Natural
María León Aragón
Mind Map by María León Aragón, updated more than 1 year ago
María León Aragón
Created by María León Aragón about 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. An ecosystem is a comunity of living things.
    1. An ecosystem contains differents habitats, population and comunities.
      1. Population
        1. Individual organisms of the same species living in the same area.
        2. Habitat
          1. Is a place that the plants or animal species lives.
            1. Can be a cave small or as big a forest.
              1. Have all the elements that the plants or animals need (Food and water.)
              2. Comunity
                1. Populations form a comunity
                  1. Population interact whith each other and with the physical enviorment.
                    1. Seas and oceans include many fifferents comunities.
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