My Hands are Aching


Mind Map on My Hands are Aching, created by KK ANon on 24/02/2020.
Mind Map by KK ANon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KK ANon about 5 years ago

Resource summary

My Hands are Aching
  1. Anatomy
    1. Bones
      1. Joints
        1. Muscles
          1. Nerves
          2. Arthritis
            1. Inflammation of the joints
              1. Types
                1. Osteoarthritis
                  1. Septic Arthritis
                    1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
                      1. Signs and Symptoms
                        1. Rheumatoid nodules
                          1. Swan neck & Boutonniere deformities
                            1. Fever, malaise
                              1. Swelling & pain
                                1. Difficulty doing daily chores
                                2. complications
                                  1. Anemia
                                    1. Pericarditis
                                      1. Pleuritis
                                        1. Lymphadenopathy
                                  2. Diagnosis
                                    1. Physical examination
                                      1. Radiology
                                        1. Can also be used to check the progression of the disease
                                      2. Management
                                        1. Physiotherpy
                                          1. Electrical stimulation
                                            1. Hydrotherapy
                                              1. Rehabilitation
                                                1. Intermittent Splinting
                                                2. Pharmacotherapy
                                                  1. DMARD's
                                                    1. Methotrexte, hydroxychloroquine, sulfasalazine
                                                    2. NSAID's
                                                      1. TNF inhibitors
                                                    3. Epidemiology
                                                      1. Autoimmune disease
                                                        1. Condition in which the body attacks itself
                                                          1. Bystander T-cell activation
                                                            1. Polyclonal lymphocyte activation
                                                              1. Molecular mimcry
                                                                1. Altered self
                                                        2. Risk factors
                                                          1. Age
                                                            1. females are more prone than male
                                                              1. Family history
                                                                1. Environmental exposures
                                                                  1. Genetics
                                                            2. Psychological aspect
                                                              1. Loss of function of the affected area may lead to depression or loss of the job
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