present simple


Gloria Aydee Rendon Agudelo
Mind Map by Gloria Aydee Rendon Agudelo, updated more than 1 year ago
Gloria Aydee Rendon Agudelo
Created by Gloria Aydee Rendon Agudelo almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

present simple
  1. use: we use the present simple to talk abouta repeated actions or habits
    1. advers: alwaiys ,sometimes,often ,usualy, never, wveryday, rarely, occasuonally
      1. i, we, you, they
        1. negativo
          1. positive
            1. they somethimes sing to music
              1. + verbo
              2. subjet+don't+verb
                1. i don't play guitar tonigth
              3. question
                1. do+subjetverb
                  1. do you always play drums?
              4. he, she, it
                1. negative
                  1. + auxiliar(does'nt)+ verb
                    1. he does'nt run like a bear
                  2. question (?)
                    1. does+subjet+verb
                      1. does rick play video games
                    2. positive
                      1. subjet+verb+es/es
                        1. the rooster crows at 6 o'clock
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