Being a good digital citezen


This is my mind map of being a good digial citezen
Matt Walsh
Mind Map by Matt Walsh, updated more than 1 year ago
Matt Walsh
Created by Matt Walsh almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Being a good digital citezen
  1. Social Network
    1. Do's
      1. Show your timetable to friends only
        1. Keep Profile Private
        2. Don't
          1. Don't tell people were u live
            1. Inlude Pesronal Infomation
              1. Telephone Number
              2. Email
                1. Don't add people u don't no
                2. SNS'S
                  1. Facebook
                    1. Twitter
                      1. My space
                        1. Youtube
                          1. Bebo
                            1. skype
                                1. Email's
                              2. Cyber bullying
                                1. Dont call People names!
                                  1. Save all texts and mesages for evidence!
                                    1. If u see someone bullying someone tell someone
                                      1. if ure getting bullied on phone change your number
                                        1. Block the people who are bullying u
                                          1. tell someone at the right time
                                            1. Block them on chat sites
                                              1. There are consequences for bullying
                                                1. Report it
                                                  1. You could go to jail
                                                  2. Key Words
                                                    1. consequences
                                                      1. Brute force
                                                        1. Digital Footprint
                                                          1. Digital citezn
                                                            1. SNS
                                                              1. Privacy settings
                                                                1. Profile Based
                                                                  1. Content Based
                                                                    1. Profile
                                                                    2. Passwords
                                                                      1. use cApItAl LeTeRs AnD lOwEr CaSe
                                                                        1. use symbols
                                                                        2. Be clever like use '@' as a "a"
                                                                          1. Choose somthing that is easy to remember
                                                                          2. Malware
                                                                            1. A-V-G
                                                                              1. Mcaffe
                                                                                1. Nortan
                                                                                  1. Trojan Horse
                                                                                    1. Anti-Virus
                                                                                      1. Email attachment
                                                                                        1. Scan free downloads
                                                                                          1. Virus
                                                                                            1. Firewall
                                                                                              1. Worm Virus
                                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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