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Gothic Convention Mindmap
Legendary Viper
Mind Map by Legendary Viper, updated more than 1 year ago
Legendary Viper
Created by Legendary Viper almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

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  1. Step 1
    1. Setting
      1. Often Set in old rundown structures
        1. Especially old Castles and mannors
          1. Hidden Passages, Trap Doors, Secret Rooms
            1. Building Suffered Decline From Former Greatness
      2. Step 2
        1. Environment
          1. Dark, Stormy & often far away from civilization
          2. Atmosphere
            1. Mystery, Horror and Dread
              1. Plot-Hidden Secrets That Threaten The Protagonist
          3. Step 3
            1. Protagonist
              1. Isolated Or Alone
                1. Isolation could be self-imposed or could be result of circumstances beyond control
                2. Physical
                  1. character Trapped In a House Fer From Civilization
                  2. Emotional
                    1. Character cut off from the people around them
                3. Step 5
                  1. Emotions
                    1. Passionate and strong-willed
                      1. Defy Others & Common sense in pursuit of goal
                      2. Women
                        1. Often Curious And Have A Tendency To Swoon
                        2. Men
                          1. Rage In Reflection Of Unseen Inner Torment
                      3. Step 6
                        1. Damsels In Distress
                          1. Women threatened by tyrannical men or just the circumstances
                            1. They Often Appear Frightened And may suffer from some kind of ailment
                          2. t
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