Modal Auxiliary Verbs


Cecília Tolentino 3°C Modal Verbs
Cecília Tolentino
Mind Map by Cecília Tolentino, updated more than 1 year ago
Cecília Tolentino
Created by Cecília Tolentino almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Modal Auxiliary Verbs
  1. Possibility
    1. May and might
      1. Ex: They may fall in love; They might even get married.
        1. May is more viable and can be used for permission (Formal); Might is a possibility in the past or in the present.
    2. Requested/ Invited
      1. Will, shall, would
        1. Ex: I will come to the party tomorrow; Shall I help you with your bags? Would you come here, please?
          1. Will and shall are used in the future; Would is more soft than will;
      2. Obligation
        1. Should, ought to, must
          1. Ex: They should be careful; You ought to do regular physical activity; I must go now.
            1. Must is a "strong" obligation; Should and ought to are a soft obligation.
        2. Capacity/ Permission
          1. Can, could
            1. Ex: Mary could help you if she wanted to; Can I borrow your pen?
              1. Could is more formal than can and is used in the past;
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