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APWH Chapter 26
Mind Map on APWH Chapter 26, created by hhew3095 on 09/03/2015.
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ottoman empire
qing dynasty
islamic empires
civilizations in crisis
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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about 10 years ago
Resource summary
APWH Chapter 26
Ottoman Empire
Major competition between local artists and imported manufactures
Urban Riots
Merchants became more dependant on commercial dealings with their European counterparts
Accelerated the influx of Western manufactured goods
Undermined handicraft industries
General economic dependence increased greatly
Wanted to build strong nation-states
Inept sultans allowed...
Power struggles between...
Rival ministers
Religious experts
Janissary commanders
Armies deprived of resources to defeat their enemy's advanced weaponry
Russia = Biggest threat
Took Caucasus and Crimea
Ottomans tried to form alliances with other Christian powers
Istanbul repeatedly threatened
Sultan later viewed as a hindrance to reforms and societal transformation
Abdul Hamid (see vocab node)
Very few radicals in his favor
Retained as a political figurehead
Printing press in 1727
Reform and Survival
Survival due to
Divisions between European powers
Major support from Britain
Initiated by sultans, carried out over the course of the 19th century
Caused tensions within the elite
Tanzimat reforms
University education was reorganized
Training in sciences and mathematics introduced
Public works
Constitution, as well as other legal reforms
Economic role of minority religious groups increased
Women did not benefit much from reforms until 1908
Islamic Empires
Middlee class increases in population
Cotton production increases
Expansion of cotton at the expense of food grains
Dependent on a single export
Economy becomes unreliable
Khedives collect revenue
Ayan try to resist
Wasted on luxuries
European financiers lent them money
Wanted access to cheap cotton
Also wanted to possibly build a canal
Suez Canal (see dates node)
Mahdist upheaval: Counterpart to Taiping rebellion
Brought down existing social order to replace it with a religiously inspired utopian society
Napoleon's invasion of Egypt
Murad (see vocab node)
Thought Napoleon would be easy to deal with
Ignorance leads to a series of defeats
Leads to minimal advantage
British sank most of the fleet in the Battle of Aboukir (see dates node)
Muhammad Ali
Effective ruler of Egypt
Emerged in 1801
Devoted resources to build a European-style military force
Descendants provided a great succession of rulers ( see vocab node)
"Enlightened Thinkers"
Muhammad Abduh
Both stressed the need for Muslims to borrow scientific technology and learning to revive themselves
Qing China
Taxes and state labor demands were lowered
10% of budget dedicated to public works
Peasants grew crops for export
Almost plantation like lands
Gap between rural gentry and peasants increased
Commercial and urban expansion increased
New ways to finance agricultural and artisan production
Diversification of crops
Silver, porcelain, and silk
Confucian order still used in 1830's
Qing dynasty begins in 1650s ish
Another name for the Manchu regime
Patrons of the Chinese arts
Began at the decline of the Ming regime
Ruled largest area of China except for the Tang
Kept the political system of the Ming
Manchus ruled disproportionately
Taiping rebellion
Hong Xiuquan
Kangxi (see vocab node)
Self-Strengthening movement
Countered challenge from the West
Final empress
Final emperor of China
Generally conservative
Zhu Xi
Respect for rank
Acceptance of hierarchy
Women's lives still sucked
Sun Yat-sen
Decline is the same as previous dynasties
Opium War
"Barbarians" threatened the empire
China treated the Europeans as barbarians and nomads
Europe had tech advantages over China
Brits got tired of trading goods for silver, and wanted opium instead
China basically threatened their economy and social order
Essentially an early drug war
Sultan Selim III
r. 1789-1807, believed that bolder initiatives were needed
Initiatives were seen as a threat, assassinated
Mahmud II
Secretly built a small army to incite mutiny in the Janissaries
Ulama and ayan
powerful conservative groups
Abdul Hamid
Attempted to return despotic absolutism
r. 1878-1908
Ottoman Society for Union and Progress
Group founded in Paris in 1889
Loyal to Ottoman regime were determined to restore the constitution
Military sympathy = success
Head coalition of Mamluk households
Line of succession after Muhammad Ali
Ahmad Orabi
Young Egyptian officer
Challenged the influence of foreign interests
Center of Egyptian administration in Sudan
Muhammad Achmad
Ahmad Orabi
Lead the challengers of foreign interests
Center of Egyptian administration in Sudan
Muhammad Achmad
Led the rebellion against oppression and British invasion
Promised deliverer
Khalifa Abdallahi
one of the Mahdi's most skillful military commanders
Kangxi (1661-1722)
Confucian scholar and Manchu ruler
Merchants who specialized in import-export trade
Lin Zexu
An official sent to stamp out opium trade
Boxer Rebellion
Foreigners wanted europe to maintain its position (?)
Important Dates
1804: Uprising in Serbia
1820s: Uncontrollable Greek Revolt
1830: Greeks regain independence
1867: Serbian freedom
1870s: Ottomans driven out of Balkans
1798: Napoleon invades Egypt
1798: Battle of Aboukir
1952: Khedives are overthrown
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