Anki Tips


Tips to use the Anki app in a better way. Based on the 2-part YouTube video of Med School Insiders
Victor M'Baye
Mind Map by Victor M'Baye, updated more than 1 year ago
Victor M'Baye
Created by Victor M'Baye over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Anki Tips
  1. Deck organization
    1. Simple
      1. Can be (very) big, but always simple
      2. Organized in concepts
        1. BAD Example: "BIOL 366 Week 11"
          1. GOOD Example: "Flower sexual organ development"
        2. Understand>Memorize
          1. Foundations first
            1. 80/20 rule
              1. Highest yield information
                1. Easiest to learn
                2. "Cloze Deletions"
                  1. fill in the blanks
                    1. ultra effective
                      1. complement to regular flash cards
                      2. Visuals
                        1. images
                          1. figures
                            1. diagrams
                            2. Memory techniques
                              1. Mnemonic devices
                                1. method of loci
                                  1. Visual markers
                                  2. No "grocery lists"
                                    1. use an image with cloze deletions
                                      1. ex: cloze deletion on the Krebs' Cycle diagram
                                      2. make the list "chronological"
                                        1. ex: "list the steps in order of events when a molecule of Acetyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycle"
                                      3. Be concise
                                        1. No useless wording
                                          1. Simpler = Better
                                          2. Redundancy is key
                                            1. attack info from different angles
                                              1. in order
                                                1. Backwards
                                                  1. shuffled
                                                    1. reverse front/back of card set
                                                      1. Cloze deletions
                                                      2. Hit more angles => deeper learning
                                                        1. links between subjects
                                                        2. Provide extra sources!
                                                          1. References
                                                            1. URL
                                                              1. extra readings
                                                              2. Adapt
                                                                1. Edit cards
                                                                  1. Don't Be afraid to make changes!!
                                                                  2. Delete irrelevant/poorly designed cards
                                                                    1. Don't Be afraid to make changes!!
                                                                  3. "New Cards" threshold
                                                                    1. Not too many new cards at once
                                                                      1. Keep it consistent
                                                                        1. Modify threshold depending on the situation
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