The Enviroment during the quarentine


how is the enviroment during this quarentine
Paola Itria
Mind Map by Paola Itria, updated more than 1 year ago
Paola Itria
Created by Paola Itria over 4 years ago

Resource summary

The Enviroment during the quarentine
  1. closed streets, no cars, no buses, no trucks
    1. less pollution
      1. better air
        1. it's possible to admire the stars
      2. closed factories
        1. reduction in gases emition
        2. no boats on the sea
            1. cleaner sea
              1. fishes and dolphins are back in the coast
            2. no airplanes
              1. less pollution
              2. closed streets, no cars, no buses, no trucks
                1. less pollution
                  1. better air
                    1. less alergic diseases
                    2. it is possible to admire the stars
                  2. no boats on the sea
                    1. cleaner sea
                      1. fishes and dolphins are back in the coast
                    2. closed factories
                      1. reduction in gases emition
                        1. less waste thrown into the rievers
                          1. cleaner wather
                            1. healthy maritim life
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