Agamemnon's Actions


Caleb Dumayne
Mind Map by Caleb Dumayne, updated more than 1 year ago
Caleb Dumayne
Created by Caleb Dumayne over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Agamemnon's Actions
  1. Book 1
    1. When Chryses comes + asks for his daughter's return he refuses + threatens him not to return again
      1. Upon the suggestion by Kalchas that Chryseis be returned to appease Apollo + lift the plague, he demands another prize of equal worth to replace her
        1. He threatens to take someone else's prize by force if the Achaian's do not provide him with one
          1. He even threatens to take Briseis frim Achilleus
            1. Once the assembly has broken up he places Chryseis on a ship with a holy hecatomb and sends Odysseus to take it to Chryses
              1. He then hold to his earlier threat
                1. he sends his heralds, Eurybates + Talthybios to fetch Briseis from Achilleus' tent
    2. Book 4
      1. When Menelaos is injured by Pandaros, he flies into despair + mourns his brothers death, despite the fact that he is only lightly injured
        1. He summons the best healer among the Achaians to take care of him
          1. Agamemnon moves among the Achaian troops rallying them to fight
            1. He comes across Idomeneus + compliments him greatly to spur him on
              1. He does the same to the Aiantes + Nestor
              2. When he comes to Odysseus he criticises + challenges him
                1. He acts similarly towards Diomedes, telling him of his fathers greatness + triumphs
          2. Book 6
            1. When he sees Menelaos about to spare Adrestos, he orders him to kill the man, as no Trojan can be left alive
              1. He manages to win his brother over to his state of mind and Adrestos is killed
                1. This savagery + bloodthirst contrasts to the extreme care Agamemnon displayed in book 4 when Menelaos was injured
            2. Book 9
              1. Orders his heralds to gather the men to assembly
                1. Crying, he stands before the Achaians + declares that there is no hope in winning the war now that Zeus has turned against them
                  1. He proposes that they all return home in dishonour
                    1. After Diomedes restores hope in the troops there is a smaller assembly, consisting of the elders, held in Agamemnon's tent
                      1. Agamemnon agrees to Nestor's proposal to appease Achilleus + get him to rejoin the fight
                        1. He also decides to offer Achilleus a great many gifts to try and win him over
                          1. Upon the return of the embassy to Achilleus, he inquires as to Achilleus' answer
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