Humanism history


thaylin gomez
Mind Map by thaylin gomez, updated more than 1 year ago
thaylin gomez
Created by thaylin gomez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Humanism history
  1. shape the XIV and XV mindset
    1. anthropocentric mindset
      1. star human creations:
        1. arts
          1. sciences
            1. reasoning
              1. ideas
                1. literature
        2. theocentrism
          1. is the belief that the Christian god is the central aspect to our existence.
            1. – ThisappearedinthelastcenturiesoftheMedievalPeriodwiththe creation of cities and universities. – Education was carried out by the church.
          2. Education was carried out by the church. Students were taught to read and write, but new schools appeared for gifted students who were now able to improve their skills.
            1. The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg
              1. characteristics of humanism
                1. focus of human begin
                  1. Appear new possibilities to interpret the world, not just biblical texts
                  2. recovery of ancient knowledge
                    1. Manuscripts from the medieval period are rejected, they are considered biased.
                    2. importance of critical thinking
                      1. Reasoning, Being critical ,No memorization
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