Nature in Pacific


Mind Map on Nature in Pacific, created by Juan Sebastian Zambrano Gamba on 22/05/2020.
Juan Sebastian Zambrano Gamba
Mind Map by Juan Sebastian Zambrano Gamba, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Sebastian Zambrano Gamba
Created by Juan Sebastian Zambrano Gamba almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Nature in Pacific
  1. Possitive
    1. Neggative
      1. It has the largest flora and fauna in Colombia
        1. Trees are being cut down by human work
          1. It is one of the places in Colombia most respected by tourists
            1. Most rivers in the Amazon are oil stained
              1. The anteater and the Amazon jaguar are in danger of extinction for their fur
                1. The export of parrots
                  1. In the last 5 years it has not been much affected by forest fires
                    1. The export of camu camu (fruit) to international countries is a success
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