Common File Formats


ICT Mind Map on Common File Formats, created by turrc001 on 26/09/2013.
Mind Map by turrc001, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by turrc001 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Common File Formats
  1. JPEG Files
    1. Uses
      1. JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Expert Group
        1. It is one of the main file formats for images on the Web.
          1. Ideal for Photographs and digital images.
            1. JPEG compresses the original image.
              1. Uses 16 million
              2. Advantages
                1. Maximum colours of 16.7 million colours
                  1. Can be opened and viewed in almost all image viewing applications.
                    1. JPEG images are compressed-smaller in storage size and easier to attach to an email
                    2. Disadvantages
                      1. Because images are compressed, it has a significant loss in quality.
                        1. JPEG files cannot have transparent backgrounds.
                      2. GIF Files
                        1. Uses
                          1. GIF stands for Graphical Interchange Format
                            1. It is one of the main file formats for images that is used on the Internet
                              1. Used for simple graphics
                                1. Uses compression to make the file size smaller
                                2. Advantages
                                  1. They are small in size as the image file is compressed.
                                  2. Disadvantages
                                    1. Only 256 colours are used so does not look the same as the original image.
                                  3. PNG files
                                    1. Uses
                                      1. Stands for Portable Network Graphics
                                        1. Uses compression that creates a compressed image without losing any quality.
                                          1. Uses 16 million colours
                                          2. Advantages
                                            1. The image does not lose any quality when compressed,
                                              1. Has a wide amount of colours
                                              2. Disadvantages
                                                1. File size is slightly larger than JPEG and GIF.
                                              3. TIFF Files
                                                1. Uses
                                                  1. Stands for Tagged Image File Format.
                                                    1. Bitmap image format
                                                      1. Ideally suited for scanned images, imagesd with continuous colours and photographs.
                                                      2. Advantages
                                                        1. Widely used
                                                          1. Can be easily modified
                                                            1. Can have a wide range of colours.
                                                            2. Disadvantages
                                                              1. Large file size- take up a lot of storage space
                                                                1. Takes a long time to upload and download to the internet
                                                              2. PSD Files
                                                                1. Uses
                                                                  1. Stands for Photoshop Document
                                                                    1. Popular piece of software used for creating and modifying images
                                                                    2. Advantages
                                                                      1. Produces very high quality images
                                                                      2. Disadvantages
                                                                        1. File sizes are large as there is no compression
                                                                          1. Takes a while to upload and download to the internet
                                                                        2. BMP files
                                                                          1. Uses
                                                                            1. Pictures using Windows Paint can be saved as BMP files as digital photographs can be too
                                                                            2. Advantages
                                                                              1. It supports millions of colours
                                                                              2. Disadvantages
                                                                                1. Large file size
                                                                                  1. Takes a long time to upload and download
                                                                                2. EPS files
                                                                                  1. Uses
                                                                                    1. Stands for Encapsulated PostScript
                                                                                      1. Standard format for importing and exporting PostScript files
                                                                                        1. Can contain text, graphics and images
                                                                                        2. Advantages
                                                                                          1. Has many essentials features such as colour management and colour modes
                                                                                          2. Disadvantages
                                                                                            1. Large file size
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