Alegerea profesiei


Mind Map on Alegerea profesiei, created by Tanislav Marian on 31/05/2020.
Tanislav Marian
Mind Map by Tanislav Marian, updated more than 1 year ago
Tanislav Marian
Created by Tanislav Marian over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Alegerea profesiei
  1. pe termen lung
    1. autocunoasterea
      1. aptitudini
        1. cunostinte
          1. pasiuni
            1. sfatuirea cu profesorii de la clasa
              1. pregatirea profesionala
                1. cunostinte acumulate
                  1. cunoasterea proprii persoane
                    1. resurse sociale
                      1. resurse materiale
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                        A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
                        IMPERFECT TENSE - French
                        T W
                        Gender Theorists
                        Hazel Meades
                        A Level: English language and literature techniques = Lexis
                        Jessica 'JessieB
                        George- Of mice and men
                        Elinor Jones
                        GCSE Biology AQA
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                        The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
                        K d
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