Specific immune response


a levels as biology Mind Map on Specific immune response, created by Anisha Melo on 23/03/2015.
Anisha Melo
Mind Map by Anisha Melo, updated more than 1 year ago
Anisha Melo
Created by Anisha Melo over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Specific immune response
  1. Produce different WBCs
    1. Phagocytes
      1. Neutrophils
        1. Macrophages
        2. T cells
          1. T memory
            1. Immunological memory
            2. T helper
              1. Stimulate B cell production
              2. T killer
                1. Produce toxins to kill infected cells
              3. B cells
                1. B memory
                  1. B plasma
                    1. Produces antibodies
                2. Phagocytosis of pathogen
                  1. Antigen presentation by macrophages and infected cells
                    1. monokines
                      1. histamines and interferon
                        1. T killer, T memory
                          1. T Killer clonal expansion`
                            1. Attach to infected cells, insert toxin (e.g. h2 o2) to kill cell and pathogen
                        2. Clonal selection and T helper
                          1. T helper clonal expansion
                            1. interleukins
                              1. B cell clonal selection
                                1. B cell clonal selection
                                  1. B plasma
                                    1. produce antibodies
                                      1. attach to non-self antigens
                                        1. phagocytosis
                                    2. B memory
                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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