Chronic Venous Insufficiency


Mind Map on Chronic Venous Insufficiency, created by bwscott0214 on 24/03/2015.
Mind Map by bwscott0214, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bwscott0214 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chronic Venous Insufficiency
  1. Pathophysiology
    1. Damaged valve in vein
      1. Venous Distention
        1. Venous Hypertension
          1. Venous Stasis
            1. Inflammation
      2. Epidemiology
        1. More common in women
          1. Peak age 40-49 for women, 70-79 in men
            1. Increased in Westernized nations
            2. Presentation
              1. edema of lower extremities
                1. hyperpigmentation of feet and ankles
                  1. Venous stasis ulcers
                    1. Throbbing, burning sensation
                      1. leg fatigue
                      2. Diagnosis
                        1. Duplex ultrasound
                          1. Magnetic resonance venography
                            1. Venous function tests
                            2. Treatment
                              1. Elevate legs
                                1. Compression stockings
                                  1. Avoid prolonged sitting/standing
                                    1. Vein ligation/stripping
                                      1. Sclerotherapy
                                        1. Weight loss
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