It Takes


Use of "It Takes"
Alejandro Cóbar
Mind Map by Alejandro Cóbar, updated more than 1 year ago
Alejandro Cóbar
Created by Alejandro Cóbar almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

It Takes
  1. Asking questions with IT TAKES
    1. We make interrogative sentences with it takes the same way as we do with almost verbs-that is, by using does.
      1. Example 1: DOes it takes two hours to drive to Texas from here?
        1. Example 2: How long does it takes to get to the wildlife park?
      1. We can mention a person after it takes to describe hoe much time that person needs to do a certain actvity.
        1. Example 1: How long does it takes to you to clean your room, Becky?
          1. Example 2: How long does it takes to you to get to school by bike?
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