3. The idea that 'all loans and repayments should cancel each other out' is at variance with the idea of long-term reciprocity discussed by Mauss.' Discuss
4. Compare and assess the interpretations of Marcel Mauss offered by AT LEAST TWO of the following: Jonathan Parry, James Laidlaw, Keith Hart, Marilyn Strathern
3. 'Fair Trade attempts to establish an ethical space outside the market. Yet seeing market and ethics as fundamentally opposed represents a misunderstanding of the idea of 'the gift.' Discuss.2.'The idea of the gift counters the image of a society whose members follow pre-established norms. It is thus liberatory rather than conservative.' Discuss.
Marcel Mauss.
1872-1950. French.
sociologist. nephew of Durkheim
influenced Levi-Strauss
devastated by WWI
fought against anti-Semitism
Magic. Sacrifice. Gift Exchange.
The Gift.
exchange as a 'social fact'
(Durkheim came up
with this term)
Double corrective to Durkheim and Malinowski
Durkheim: ‘cult of the
individual’, collective actions
of society. 'Cult of the
individual' is actually a
collective action of all
Mauss tries to offer a better account of how the individual relates to society than what you will
get out of Durkheim or Malinowski . He thinks human beings are ‘up to things’ doing conscious,
self-strategic, politically motivated things.
Malinowski has a
utilitarian notion of the
universal human
individual. Contradictions –
person driven by biological
needs but also idea that
people are rational
(contradictory thoughts)
Social institutions (like the
declare themselves as
voluntary actually have a
mandatory, social force of
compulsion. It’s embedded
in society, socially
produced, and have social
institutions that are due to
time and place
these exchanges
are how
humans figure
out how to deal
with each other
in order not to
kill each other
Example of West Coast potlatch.
Festival meetings in the winter,
lots of exchanges of food,
services, gifts, contracts etc. Lots
of surplus wealth used up.
Lots of surplus wealth used up
Copper objects important -->
associated with salmon (staple and
high-status food) and wealth
Flat sheets of copper almost like a coat of arms
The objects ‘call out’ to people at the
potlatch to be covered in beautiful,
expensive, woven blankets. You feed
them, pay attention to them (almost
like they were a Chief) then you give
your copper object to the other person
to annihilate them with luxury, to
assert your wealth and status.
Or the objects
would simply be
burned to again
show how much
surplus was had
the need to return
something is very
oppressive if you
are given a copper
object of such great
value.Can make you
feel politically lower
than the other
Chief, etc.
Copper objects considered a 'personhood'
the need to return something
Mauss - there is a hope in
that, because humans can
learn to be socially
generous and
re-distributed. He wanted
to keep market exchange,
but wanted to humanize
it. He draws on the
example of alternative
methods of exchange.
Mis-reading the Gift
historically one of the most
misunderstood/misquoted essays in
different kinds of political
interest groups have tried to
claim it for their own political
standpoint, both on the right
and left. Been a tug of war,
with both parties trying to
claim it for their own. -People
understand Chris
Gregory(wrote Gifts and
Commodities) to write in
Marxist way to look at gifts
on one hand (connect people,
alien objects. Only measured
in qualitative terms)) and
commodities on the other
(alienable objects measured
in quantitative terms). But
some people say there is an underlying human greed that
explains it all ----> ‘all about political self-interest. (Potlatch chiefs having an
ego, trying to be greedy…etc.)
General conclusion is
that there is no such
thing as a gift, but that
all of human life
predicated on human
political and social
Marilyn Strathern "The Gender of the Gift" –
radical critique of how we describe categories
of analysis in society. All the terms wrong
because they all carry too much Western
baggage. (Ex. Papua New Guinea people have
no category of nature, in opposed to category
of culture. There is no distinction there.) So
she says that any way you say anything, is
labeled in a way that is too Western.
People who followed her work followed the idea that there was a
separate Western world and non-Western world. World is divided into
two, gifts or commodities. Fenella says that’s wrong, a myth. (and not
really arguable)
Jonathan Parry says Mauss never
intended us to divide societies between gift and commodities.
Mauss was trying to say that division is fiction. All human
social action always contain elements of both.
Like Durkheim, is committed to bringing high standards of empirical knowledge to the field
but didn’t do fieldwork
Fragmentary theory of evidence. Mauss knows it’s a big stretch
to offer this ambitious new social theory. He wants to give us a
theory of ALL exchange. He offers fragments and says you see
how I do with those… -he uses the famous example of the kula
exchange – Trobriand Islands (bracelets and necklaces)
Mauss managed to
complete Malinowski’s
analytical work for him…
Mauss was great as an
ethnographical analysis –
Malinowski’s ideas were a
bit inadequate. Continuing
living/social structures
happen by honouring the
dead – through traditions
and rituals. Funerals come
to term with end of living
life, but we can
incorporate dead through
living rituals.