A student's perspective on the use of social media


Caceres Grecia & Linares Juan, section 4, mind maping
Juan Linares
Mind Map by Juan Linares, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Linares
Created by Juan Linares over 4 years ago

Resource summary

A student's perspective on the use of social media
  1. Uses of social media
    1. Passion
      1. Education
        1. Entertainment
        2. Teachers and social media
          1. Make themselves more involved with students’ use of social media.
            1. Should be experimenting with new social media outlets.
              1. Integrate social media into classes
              2. Limits
                1. Adults must set strict limits on social media
                2. Thorough understanding
                  1. Students should be aware of social media and its negative consequences as soon as possible
                    1. Use of educational resources on social networks
                    2. Importance of the good use and good education of social networks
                      1. Make young people aware of the danger of social media
                      2. Parents and social media
                        1. Parents should monitor their child's social media
                          1. Protect childrens
                            1. Students become more aware of their social media activity
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