Revolution of 1830


Mind Map on Revolution of 1830, created by Micaela Decarvalho on 22/06/2020.
Micaela Decarvalho
Mind Map by Micaela Decarvalho, updated more than 1 year ago
Micaela Decarvalho
Created by Micaela Decarvalho over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Revolution of 1830
  1. Background
    1. ↑ Liberalism + ↑ Nationalism
      1. Reaction to the restoration of the Old Regime with the Congress of Vienna and the Holy Alliance.
      2. Decadence of the Holy Alliance
        1. Rebellion of the Greeks against Turkish rule
          1. Independence of the Latin American colonies with the support of England
            1. Monroe Doctrine ("America for Americans")
          2. Factors
            1. Restoration of the Old Regime in France (Bourbon Dynasty)
              1. Louis XVIII (1815-1824) e Charles X (1824-1830)
                1. Dissolution of the Chamber
                  1. ↑ Censorship
                    1. Laws favoring nobility
                      1. Repression of the liberal bourgeoisie
                    2. Ideologies: liberalism and nationalism
                    3. Consequences
                      1. France
                        1. Abdication of King Charles X
                          1. Ascension of Louis Philip of Orleans, the "bourgeois king" (1830-1848)
                            1. Support of the upper bourgeoisie
                      2. Expansion
                        1. Belgium liberates itself from the Netherlands
                          1. Greece liberates itself from the Ottoman Turkish Empire
                            1. Liberal agitations in Spain, Italy and Portugal
                              1. Nationalist uprising in Poland against Russian rule
                                1. End of the Holy Alliance
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