Handel: 'And the Glory'


Notes about Handel's 'And the Glory' from 'Messiah'
Mind Map by EdW, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EdW over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Handel: 'And the Glory'
  1. Context
    1. Period composers: Bach, Handel, Purcell and Vivaldi
      1. 1741
        1. Small choir and orchestra
          1. Concert halls and theatres
            1. First chorus in 'Messiah'
              1. Oratorio
                1. London
                2. Key Features
                  1. Simple, mainly diatonic melodies
                    1. Same mood mvt's
                      1. Terraced dynamics- sudden changes
                        1. Ornamentation
                          1. Contrapuntal writing
                            1. String instruments mainly
                              1. Continuo
                                1. Keyboard
                                  1. Harpsichord/organ
                                  2. Bass
                                    1. Cello/double bass
                                2. Performing Forces
                                  1. SATB
                                    1. Strings/continuo
                                      1. Cello, harpsichord/organ
                                      2. Orchestra doubles vocal lines
                                      3. Structure
                                        1. Ritornello
                                          1. Orchestral intro
                                          2. Combination of four different motifs
                                          3. Melody
                                            1. Four motifs
                                              1. 1) 'And the glory the glory of the Lord'
                                                1. A, AM
                                                2. 2) 'shall be revealed'
                                                  1. T, descending melodic sequence, melisma
                                                  2. 3) 'and all flesh shall see it together'
                                                    1. A, twice repeated short descending figure
                                                    2. 4) 'for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it'
                                                      1. TB, same pitch (A) = solemn
                                                  3. Rhythm, Metre and Tempo
                                                    1. 3/4
                                                      1. Fast (Allegro)
                                                        1. Then general pause
                                                          1. Then slow Adagio
                                                            1. Drawn-out ending
                                                        2. Hemiolas
                                                          1. Feels like 2/4 not 3/4
                                                        3. Tonality and Harmony
                                                          1. AM
                                                            1. Modulations: Dominant (EM) and Supertonic (BM)
                                                            2. Plagal cadence
                                                              1. Diatonic harmony
                                                              2. Texture
                                                                1. Homophonic and Contrapuntal/counterpoint
                                                                  1. One moment of Monophony
                                                                    1. Imitation
                                                                      1. Overlapping by a copy of the same melody (maybe at different pitch)
                                                                      2. Varying number of parts singing/playing
                                                                      3. Word Setting
                                                                        1. Melismatic and syllabic
                                                                          1. Motif 4) Syllabic
                                                                            1. Motif 2) Melismatic
                                                                            2. Different phrases are repeated many times
                                                                              1. Words= v clear
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