Critically Consider the Relationship between Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour


A2 Psychology Mind Map on Critically Consider the Relationship between Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour, created by Louise A on 30/09/2013.
Louise A
Mind Map by Louise A, updated more than 1 year ago
Louise A
Created by Louise A about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Critically Consider the Relationship between Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour
  1. A01
    1. The Evolutionary Basis of Physical Attraction
      1. Cunningham found men were attracted to features usually found in children (large eyes, small nose)
        1. Waynforth found females were attracted to more masculine features (square jaw, ridges eyebrows, small eyes)
          1. Singh researched waist-hip ratio and found that men preferred a WHR of 0.7 (hourglass shape) on females, while females liked WHR of 0.85 - 0.9 (tapering figure)
          2. Partner Selection
          3. A02
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