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Riley Morris
Mind Map by Riley Morris, updated more than 1 year ago
Riley Morris
Created by Riley Morris over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Igneous
    1. Intrusive
      1. Intrusive is formed on the inside usually by a magma pocket.
      2. Extrusive
        1. Extrusive is formed on the outside by lava heting and cooling
        2. Can be formed inside or out usually by heat from volcano
        3. Sedimentary
          1. Organic
            1. Contains specific amount of carbon
            2. Formed by compacted and cemented sediment
              1. Detrital
                1. Made From Rock Fragments
                2. Chemical
                  1. Made From Crystals
                3. Metamorphic
                  1. Heat and Pressured Rock
                    1. Foliated
                      1. Unequal High Pressures
                      2. NonFoliated
                        1. High Temperature and low pressure
                      3. Minerals
                        1. You can label minerals trough many different ways
                          1. Fracture is if you cut the mineral and it is not smoothe
                            1. Cleavage is if you cut the mineral and it is smoothe
                              1. Luster is describing a mineral's appearance
                                1. Streak is the color when you scratch the mineral against paper
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