National 5 History Question Types


High School History Mind Map on National 5 History Question Types, created by CC410 on 01/04/2015.
Mind Map by CC410, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CC410 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

National 5 History Question Types
  1. Describe
    1. 5/6 marks
      1. Intro sentence
        1. 5 or 6 points
        2. Explain
          1. 5/6 marks
            1. Refer to the question
              1. Intro sentence
                1. 3 developed points (Point and Why is is important
                2. To what extent
                  1. 8 marks
                    1. Intro sentence
                      1. 2 ways that the event or person were important and why
                        1. Two other factors and why they were important
                          1. Conclusion- most important and why
                          2. How useful
                            1. 6 marks
                              1. Type of source
                                1. Where and when
                                  1. Purpose
                                    1. 2 things the source tells us and why it is useful (Refer)
                                      1. 2 things the source does not tell us
                                      2. Compare the Sources
                                        1. 5 marks
                                          1. Identify whether or not the 2 sources agree or disagree
                                            1. Say in your own words what the sources agree or disagree on
                                              1. Provide Evidence from each source
                                                1. Show 2 ways that the sources agree or disagree
                                                2. How fully
                                                  1. 6 marks
                                                    1. 3 things the source tells us and why they are important (Refer)
                                                      1. 3 things the source does not tell us
                                                        1. Conclusion
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