Anatomy and Physiology of Periodontium


Mind Map on Anatomy and Physiology of Periodontium, created by Eryn Chan on 05/04/2015.
Eryn Chan
Mind Map by Eryn Chan, updated more than 1 year ago
Eryn Chan
Created by Eryn Chan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Anatomy and Physiology of Periodontium
  1. Gingiva
    1. Macro
      1. Attached
        1. free gingival groove to mucogingival junction
        2. Free
          1. FGM to base of gingival sulcus
            1. Gingival Biotypes
              1. Thin
                1. Thick
            2. Micro
              1. Epithelium
                1. oral outer epithelium
                  1. Sulcular epithleium
                    1. Junctional epithelium
                    2. CT
                      1. 2 layers
                        1. Reticuar
                          1. Papillary
                            1. Components
                              1. Cells
                                1. Fibers
                                  1. Types
                                    1. Collagen
                                      1. Reticulin
                                        1. Oxytalan
                                          1. Elastin
                                          2. Orientation
                                            1. Trans-septal
                                              1. Dento-alveolar
                                  2. PDL
                                    1. Connective tissue connecting cementum to alveolar socket
                                    2. Bone
                                      1. Cementum
                                        1. thin layer of mineralized tissue surrounding surface of the root
                                        2. Alveolar bone
                                          1. Components
                                            1. periosteum
                                              1. Endosteum
                                                1. Medullary
                                                2. Types
                                                  1. Cortical
                                                    1. Spongy
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