Weberian Approach


A Level Sociology ( Beliefs) Mind Map on Weberian Approach, created by charlottearad on 08/04/2015.
Mind Map by charlottearad, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlottearad almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Weberian Approach
  1. Religion could INFLUENCE the economic base
    1. Calvinism assisted in the rise of Capitalism
      1. Encouraged attributes like hard work, thrift, material success
        1. If someone displayed these qualities this meant to them that they would go to Heaven (predestination)
          1. Calvinism along with other causal factors e.g. advances in technology helped in the rise of Capitalism
            1. Elective affinity
          2. In the West, Capitalism thrived
            1. In the East, religions like Hinduism stressed that individuals accept their lot in life
              1. Discouraged economic innovation
          3. Religion is a vehicle of social control
            1. Provided central shared values of western society
            2. Advantages
              1. Shows how the superstructure of society can influence the economic base contradicting Marx
                1. Combines interpretivism and structuralism
                  1. In contrast to the beliefs of Durkheim and Marx, says that religion is a dynamic for social change rather than a conservative force
                  2. Disadvantages
                    1. Eisenstadt
                      1. Did not explain why Capitalism became strong in societies where Calvinism wasn't significant
                      2. Kautsky
                        1. Capitalism existed first and this produced the rise of Calvinism
                        2. Samuelson
                          1. Some countries in Europe e.g. Scotland had large Calvinist communities and did not develop quickly on Capitalist lines
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