Bilingualism and education in Colombia


mind map of the development of bilingual education in Colombia
Rafael Ricardo  Parra Baez
Mind Map by Rafael Ricardo Parra Baez, updated more than 1 year ago
Rafael Ricardo  Parra Baez
Created by Rafael Ricardo Parra Baez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Bilingualism and education in Colombia
  1. PNB target
    1. Citizens capable of communicating in English
      1. Its success is related to learning conditions and academic requirements
        1. Challenges
          1. Better relationship between mother tongue and foreign language
            1. Student stimulation
              1. Eclectic methodologies options
                1. English intensification
              2. Globalization unknown
                1. Does not take inclusion into account
                  1. Equitable language policy (Mejia 2006)
                    1. Few hours of teaching, shortage of material and qualified teachers (cardenas 2006)
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