Rivers - Case Study: Sheffield 2007


Mind Map on Rivers - Case Study: Sheffield 2007, created by Grace W on 12/04/2015.
Grace W
Mind Map by Grace W, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace W
Created by Grace W almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Rivers - Case Study: Sheffield 2007
  1. 2 drowned
    1. 1200 homes flooded
      1. 1000 businesses affected
        1. 13,000 without power for 2 days
          1. Hillsborough and Northwest Sheffield
            1. Hillsborough football stadium flooded up to 8m deep (cost several million £)
              1. 43% of homes on 1 estate flooded
                1. Families had to move into caravans in winter
                  1. Health risks from sewage escaping
                  2. City Centre & River Don Floodplain
                    1. 23 people airlifted
                      1. Trains & buses cancelled, people unable to get home
                        1. 900 spent night in their offices
                          1. 200 stranded on 1st floor of Royal Mail Distribution Centre
                          2. Lower Don Valley
                            1. Clarkson Osborn (a company) suffered £15 million damage
                              1. Meadowhall Shopping Centre closed for a week, some shops for 3 months
                                1. Meadowhall's defences, meant to withstand a 1-in-100 year flood, we overwhelmed
                                2. Ulley Reservoir Area
                                  1. 700 residents evacuated for up to 2 weeks
                                    1. 100 people sheltered at Dinnington School - Salvation Army provided neccesities
                                      1. 100 people rehoused for up to 1 year
                                        1. A burst dam closed M1 motorway for 2 days between junctions 32 and 36
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