Pragmatic Development


Child language acquisition mind map on the early developments of language
megan langdon
Mind Map by megan langdon, updated more than 1 year ago
megan langdon
Created by megan langdon over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Pragmatic Development
  1. Pragmatics
    1. Prags
      1. Part played by lang in social sits & relations
      2. Del Hymes
        1. 'Communicative copetence'
          1. When to speak
            1. How to respond to others
              1. Appropriate registers
            2. Lang functions
              1. Bottom line
                1. Children motivated acquire lang because it serves certain purposes / functions for them
                2. Halliday 1975
                  1. 7 functions - Halliday's Taxonomy
                    1. Instrumental
                      1. Regulatiory
                        1. Interactional
                          1. Personal
                            1. Heuristic
                              1. Imaginative
                                1. Representational
                              2. Be careful
                                1. As w/ other elements of lang acquisition, prag development begins before child starts to speak
                                2. Early yrs
                                  1. Children intro'd to important role of lang i everyday life
                                    1. Adults speak to them a great deal
                                      1. Routine events accompanied by reg repeated utterancces
                                      2. Convo prep
                                        1. Child - parent - carer interactions prepare child for later participation in convo
                                        2. Bancroft 1996
                                          1. 'Peek a boo' parallels
                                            1. Turn - Taking
                                              1. Response
                                                1. Common purpose & understand sequence
                                                  1. Pleasure
                                                2. Other interactions
                                                  1. Despite fact child hasn't yet begun to speak, adults will
                                                    1. Ask Qs
                                                      1. Express agreement
                                                        1. Give approving / disapproving responses
                                                      2. First convos
                                                        1. First utterances
                                                          1. Statements (rather than Qs) & not always directed at anyone
                                                          2. Child will often seem to ignore the speaker
                                                            1. Typical covo
                                                              1. Initiated by adult
                                                                1. Dependent on cont adult input to progress
                                                              2. Later development
                                                                1. 2 - 4 signif development in convo skills
                                                                  1. Turn taking
                                                                    1. Responses to Qs
                                                                      1. Greetings
                                                                        1. Politeness forms
                                                                      2. Speech convergence & accommodation theory
                                                                        1. Yousef 1991
                                                                          1. Group of children in Trinidad
                                                                            1. Children responded to diff social sits by using diff varieties of English
                                                                              1. Janet ( 3 yrs 9 months)
                                                                                1. Past tense verb forms
                                                                                  1. Convo w/ mum = 100% standard English - SE
                                                                                    1. Family helper (Trinidadian English speaker) SE used decreasing amounts
                                                                                      1. Brother / same age children SE decreased even more
                                                                                  2. After starting school
                                                                                    1. Greater understanding of lang more appropriate to formal sits (formal register)
                                                                                      1. Children develop increased sensitivity to needs of their listener
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