Greek Philosophers


Mind Map on Greek Philosophers, created by CLAUDIA VICTORIA CONTRERAS on 21/08/2020.
Mind Map by CLAUDIA VICTORIA CONTRERAS, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CLAUDIA VICTORIA CONTRERAS almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Greek Philosophers
  1. Platón
    1. Aristóteles
      1. Sócrates
        1. - Atenas, 470 - 399 BC
          1. -Teacher of Platón.
            1. - He never wrote anything. He only appears in some papers. -Debated everyone he saw, especially the sophists. He was sentenced to death for spreading atheism and "poisoning young minds with his ideas", but was actually sentenced for personal problems. Once he was free to go out, he decided to stay and take the poison. - Theres no script validly written by him. - Appears in scripts by Platon and a few other philosophers.
          2. Sources
            1. Platón. (n.d.). Retrieved August 21, 2020, from
              1. Aristóteles. (n.d.). Retrieved August 21, 2020, from
                1. Sócrates. (n.d.). Retrieved August 21, 2020, from
          3. -Estagira, 384–322 BC
            1. -Platón was his teacher.
              1. - Wrote a total of 130 books. -Has works in biology and philosophy, - He used to go to the academy with Plato, but it wasnt left to him because he was an immigrant. Heteached Alejandro Magno. - Debated against Platon and beat him up. - Father of Occidental Philosophy and created this branches of thinking: logic, metaphysics, philosophy of science, ethics, political philosophy, aesthetics, rhetoric, physics, astronomy, and biology.
          4. -Atenas, 427 - 347 BC.
            1. -Sócrates was his teacher and learned from Aristóteles.
              1. - Wrote 51 books. - Wrote about the theory of ideas, knowledge, opinions, multiple brances of philosophy, theology. - Epistemology was the most important branch of philosophy. He had an academy. -Christianity knowledge is based on his ideas. - He spoke through metaphors and allegories. -He had his academy. -He found the world of ideas, the allegory of the cave and much more.
          5. Claudia Contreras 1809
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