Yalta Conference, February 1945


Mind Map by graciemay1403, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by graciemay1403 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Yalta Conference, February 1945
  1. Disagreements of Big Three
    1. Stalin wanted border of USSR to move westwards into Poland
      1. Churchill - didn't approve but accepted it and persuaded Roosevelt to
        1. Roosevelt also disapproved
        2. Germany was losing European war→allied leaders met at Yalta to plan what would happen to Europe after Germany defeat
          1. Agreements of Big Three
            1. enter war against Japan once Germany had suffered→Stalin
              1. Germany would be divided into four→American, French, British and Soviets
                1. Revealed Nazi concentration camps→hunt down and punish war criminals for extermination of others for their race/beliefs etc. (genocide)
                  1. hold free elections to choose government they wanted
                    1. Big Three joined United Nations organisation→keep peace after war
                      1. Eastern Europe→Soviet sphere of influence
                        1. USSR agreed not to interfere in Greece→stopping communism
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