Yalta Conference, February 1945


Mind Map by graciemay1403, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by graciemay1403 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Yalta Conference, February 1945
  1. Disagreements of Big Three
    1. Stalin wanted border of USSR to move westwards into Poland
      1. Churchill - didn't approve but accepted it and persuaded Roosevelt to
        1. Roosevelt also disapproved
        2. Germany was losing European war→allied leaders met at Yalta to plan what would happen to Europe after Germany defeat
          1. Agreements of Big Three
            1. enter war against Japan once Germany had suffered→Stalin
              1. Germany would be divided into four→American, French, British and Soviets
                1. Revealed Nazi concentration camps→hunt down and punish war criminals for extermination of others for their race/beliefs etc. (genocide)
                  1. hold free elections to choose government they wanted
                    1. Big Three joined United Nations organisation→keep peace after war
                      1. Eastern Europe→Soviet sphere of influence
                        1. USSR agreed not to interfere in Greece→stopping communism
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