

A level Music Mind Map on Psycho, created by Amy Gatward on 24/08/2020.
Amy Gatward
Mind Map by Amy Gatward, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Gatward
Created by Amy Gatward over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Rhythm
    1. Prelude
      1. Allegro molto agitato - fast tempo
        1. 2/4
        2. The City
          1. Homorhythmic
            1. Back to the Future, Silvestri
          2. Marion
            1. Syncopation
              1. Anacrusis
                1. Pause
                  1. Pan's Labyrinth, Navarette
                2. The Murder
                  1. Fast tempo
                  2. The Toys
                    1. Moto perpetuo crotchets
                      1. Jaws, Williams
                    2. The Cellar
                      1. Very fast
                        1. Constant quaver movement
                          1. Jaws, Williams
                          2. Rhythmic alteration of theme
                            1. Jaws, Williams
                          3. The Discovery
                            1. Semiquavers
                              1. Rests
                                1. Jaws, Williams
                              2. Finale
                                1. Time signature changes
                                  1. Batman Returns, Elfman
                              3. Texture
                                1. Homorhythmic
                                  1. Dark Knight Rises, Zimmer
                                  2. Melody Dominated Homophony
                                    1. The Cellar
                                      1. Fugal
                                        1. Spartacus, North
                                        2. Polyphonic
                                        3. Finale
                                          1. Monophonic solo
                                            1. Polyphonic
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