Cognitive Psychology


Mind Map on Cognitive Psychology, created by angelapak on 04/10/2013.
Mind Map by angelapak, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by angelapak about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Cognitive Psychology
  1. Mental Activity
    1. systematic relationship
      1. generating new forms
        1. communication alter state of mind
          1. Different Types of information
            1. experiential
              1. Domain-general
                1. nurture
              2. biological
                1. domain specific
                  1. nature
              3. 1. Types of data (experimental psych)
                1. Phenomenal (introspection)
                  1. Wundt (started exp psych)
                    1. Descartes
                    2. Behavioural - response time, accuracy
                      1. Brain & physiological activity
                      2. 2. Information Processor
                        1. Levels of Analysis - Functional (phenomenal & behavioural)
                          1. Procedural
                            1. physical
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                      Memory Key words
                      Sammy :P
                      Cognitive Psychology - Loftus and Palmer (1974)
                      Robyn Chamberlain
                      Cognitive Psychology Key Terms
                      Veleka Georgieva
                      Psychology A1
                      Ellie Hughes
                      Working memory model
                      T W
                      Cognitive Psychology Key Terms
                      Cognitive Psychology - Baron-Cohen (1997)
                      Robyn Chamberlain
                      The multi-store model of memory - AS level Psychology
                      T W
                      Working Memory Model
                      Jessica Phillips
                      Age as a factor affecting eye witness testimony
                      T W
                      Multi Store Model and Memory