chemical kinetics


main key point of chemical kinetics
Mind Map by 1916rihan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 1916rihan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

chemical kinetics
  1. expression of average rate of rxn
      1. rate law
        1. rate=k[A][B] or -d[R]/dt=k[A]^x[B]^y
          1. for eg 2NO +O2----->2NO then ,rate=k[NO]^2[O2]
      2. order of the rxn
        1. the sum of powers of concetration of the reactants in the rate law expression is called order of the rxn
          1. units of rate of the rxn
            1. 1st order rxn=s
              1. graph of 1nd order rxn
              2. zero order rxn =mol L s
                1. graph of zero order rxn
                2. second order rxn=mol L s
                  1. graph of 2nd order rxn
              3. molecularity of a rxn
                1. the number of reacting species taking part in an elimentary rxn which must collide in order to bring abot a chemical rxn
                2. integratedrate of equation
                  1. zero order rxn
                    1. k=[Ro]-[R]/t
                      1. Graph
                    2. 1ST ORDER RXN
                      1. K= (2.303\T)Log[Ro]\[R]
                        1. graph
                            1. half life =0.0693/k
                            2. pseudo 1et order rxn
                              1. k'=[HO]K
                              2. IF All recatant and produt are gaseous
                                1. k=(2.303/t)log (P i/P a) then k=(2.303/t)log(Pi/(2Pi-Pt))
                            3. TEMP DEPENDENCE OF RATE OF RXN
                              1. -Ea/RT K=Ae ...
                                1. lnk=-(Ea/RT)+Ln(K)
                                  1. Ln(K2/k1) = Ea [ T2-T1] 2.303[T1.T2]...
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