Animal Cells


Basic knowledge of animal cells.
Mind Map by Kave15, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kave15 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Animal Cells
  1. Necleus
    1. This controls the cell and contains genetic material.
      1. Genetic information is needed to make new cells.
      2. Cytoplasm
        1. This is a jelly-like substance where the chemical reactions in a cell take place
        2. Cell Membrane
          1. This is a barrier around the cell.
            1. It controls what can come in and out of a cell
            2. Mitochondria
              1. This is where respiration happens
                1. Respiration is a process in living organisams, involving the production of energy e.g. the transport of oxygen from the outside world into the cells and vice versa with carbon dioxide
              2. Ribosomes
                1. Protein Synthesis happens here.
                2. BBC Bitesize & Activate 1
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