Modal Verbs


Mind Map on Modal Verbs, created by Tayla Jade Smith on 06/10/2013.
Tayla Jade Smith
Mind Map by Tayla Jade Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Tayla Jade Smith
Created by Tayla Jade Smith over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Modal Verbs
  1. Gives additional information about the amount of possibility or certainty being expressed
    1. Probability
      1. could might may
        1. It might rain tonight
      2. Ability
        1. shouldn't should ought to
          1. I ought to buy some bananas
        2. Permission
          1. can must not can't
            1. You can't eat that cheese
          2. Habits
            1. will would
              1. Would you prefer tea or coffee
            2. Obligation and Advice
              1. must have to don't have to
                1. I have to be home soon
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