Mobile Devices


Mind Map on Mobile Devices, created by Sarah Herzog on 16/09/2020.
Sarah Herzog
Mind Map by Sarah Herzog, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Herzog
Created by Sarah Herzog over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Mobile Devices
  1. For each device, list hardware / features that would affect whether you would buy it!
    1. How popular is each device?
      1. What use does each device have?
    2. Android (Operating System)
      1. Samsung
        1. Galaxy S7
          1. Headphone Jack
          2. Galaxy S20
          3. Oppo Electronics Corp
            1. Oppo A9
              1. Battery Life
                1. Price
              2. Huawei
                1. Mate
                  1. Note got a lot of bloat to the OS
              3. Apple
                1. Runs iOS
                  1. iPhone
                    1. iPhone 11 Pro
                      1. Camera Features
                        1. Live Photos
                          1. Good quality
                            1. 4k video
                            2. Battery Life
                              1. Storage
                                1. Cloud Storage
                            3. iPad
                              1. Screen Size
                                1. Processing Power
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